Children's Programs and Events
Free Trees for Kids!
Register by March 15, 2025
It’s FREE tree time! Morton Township Library is partnering with Neighborhood Forest to provide free trees for kids to plant during Earth Week. Parents/Guardians sign your child up for a free tree by March 15, 2025! Sign up by using this link: Trees are set to arrive in time for Earth Day 2025. We will be in touch with you regarding when you can come pick up your tree.
Tuesdays 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
January 7 - May 13, 2025
Children, ages 5 and under, and their parents/caregivers are invited to join us for stories, songs, rhymes, crafts, and FUN!
*If Chippewa Hills School District closes due to inclement weather, Story Hour will also be canceled.
Discovery Club
For 3rd and 4th graders
Wednesdays 3:30 - 4:45 p.m.
January 22 - March 26, 2025
Participants will ignite their curiosity and discover amazing things through art projects, science experiments, games, fun problem-solving activities, scavenger hunts, and more! This is a free program and snacks will be provided. Registration is required and forms are available at the library.
LEGO Lab Saturdays
Saturdays 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
January 25 - March 29, 2025
Children, ages 5+, are invited to stop by the library to build freely and explore creativity! Drop in any time between 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. to let your imagination run wild. For a twist, our optional challenges will guide your masterpiece to new heights!
1000 Books Before Kindergarten
Morton Township Library has partnered with Chippewa Hills Mecosta Elementary to host a 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program. The concept is simple, the rewards are priceless. Read a book (any book) to your newborn, infant, and/or toddler. The goal is to have read 1,000 books (yes, you can repeat books) before your precious one starts kindergarten. Does it sound hard? Not really if you think about it. If you read just 1 book a night, you will have read 365 books in a year. That is 730 books in two years and 1,095 books in 3 years. If you consider that most children start kindergarten at around 5 years of age, you have more time than you think - so get started today!
Read with your child. Studies have shown that reading with your child provides a great opportunity for bonding. Reading together is fun and will create life-long memories for both of you.
1.) Register - you may register at the library or online at
2.) Select Books - Check out books from the library or read books from home!
3.) Log Books - Keep track of the titles that you read with your child. You may print a paper log here or you may create an account for online tracking through our Readsquared website: You may also download the app from the apple or google play store.
4.) Track Milestones and Collect Prizes - For every 100 books read, your child will receive an age-appropriate prize from the library. Upon reading 1,000 books, your child will receive a certificate of completion, a book from the library, and a t-shirt from Mecosta Elementary.
Who can participate in this program? Any child from birth until he or she enters kindergarten can participate in the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program.
How long will the program take? The program will take anywhere from a few months a few years. The program is self-paced and will depend on how often you read together.
How many of my children can participate? All of them (provided they have not yet started kindergarten). Make it even more fun and read as a family!